The wallpaper is just awesome - if I do say so myself. Its got a texture to it, and the sheen of the paper changes as you walk past it. The sheer curtains are great too - we've hung them over the top of the drapes, so they draw behind them.
The light fixture came from Sydney... Matthew and I bought it back as oversized baggage! There's two more upstairs in the spare bedrooms - but they're slightly different.
And here's the ensuite. It's not huge, but it works very well. We searched long and hard to find fixtures that we liked, that we could afford - store after store, every sale there was - and eventually we managed to get stuff that we liked.
And the shower is huge! Its about the same length as a bath, so plenty of room to dance about - or do whatever else you like...
Fantastic!! GG and I will be able to visit you soon too!